Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why measure it flat?

Recently I have been asked the question, "Why do you measure your garments laid flat?"

There are three reasons that I measure that way:
1.  I find that I personally take more accurate measurements this way.
2.  Taking flat measurements allows the customer to compare directly to their own clothing without the need of a dress form.  I also use common points of reference that make sense to people that may not have sewing experience.  This also helps with acheiving accurate fit as there is less error.
3.  Most Etsy Vintage sellers measure this way, and it is familiar to the Etsy customer.

Why take meaurements at all you ask?  Why not just label the size?

1.  Standardized sizes have changed dramatically over the decades, and the size on the label may be quite different from that same size by today's standards. 
2.  Also, many vintage clothing pieces were custom tailored to their original owner, and were never a standard size. 

I hope that sheds a little light on the situation!!!

The Treasure Chest

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