Thursday, August 24, 2017

Round Up of DIY Reading Nooks for Back To School

Are you ready for fall? Ready to cozy up with a good book? We have a special roundup of ideas to create cozy ready nooks for the kiddo's that will surely encourage good reading habits! 
Reuse an old entertainment center:
Goodwill Pinterest
A shower curtain, a little shelf and some DIY pillows gives a little one some quiet privacy for reading.
Goodwill Pinterest

Soft, warm, neutral - this reading area looks so peaceful.  Find this and more idea on
A little hard work and you can create this fun reading corner. Go to for instructions. 
Stock your reading nooks with books from Goodwill. You will not only find great prices, but often you will come across forgotten classics, and hard to find authors! 
Goodwill Industries of Southwestern Michigan provides employment, education, training, and support services to individuals and families so they can achieve self-sufficiency.